
JavaScript to call a VBA routine with parameters

2020-04-16 03:29发布


  1. I need to pass arguments to a Excel VBA code from JavaScript of HTA.

    1. I can successfully call VBA function, but unable to pass string arguments correctly.
    2. JavaScript function can pass different string arguments.
    3. Below is code in simple and demo form.
    4. Excel-VBA code

    Sub subTest(strName As String)
    MsgBox strName
    End Sub

HTA code with Javascript

<!DOCTYPE html>
borderstyle = normal
contextmenu = "yes"
<input type="button" value="testing" onclick="funRun('testng string')" />
<input type="button" value="testing second" onclick="funRun('testng')" />


var objExl;
var objWb;
var objExl =new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
objExl.Visible = true;
var objWb = objExl.Workbooks;
var strpath = '\path\testing_excel_web.xls';

function funRun(strName)

I can call subTest, but message box populates strName as string but not 'testing string' as text.


I'm thinking you want:

objWb.Application.Run('testing_excel_web.xls!subTest("' + strName + '")');

This way, the value of the variable strName is concatenated to the command you are attempting to run.

I know nothing about this calling of a VBA function, so I'm not sure if you need the " around the strName like I provided or not.

In addition, to be safe, in case your strName value contains ", you should use this:

objWb.Application.Run('testing_excel_web.xls!subTest("' + strName.replace(/"/g, "\"") + '")');

Hopefully with this, the value of strName could be

The word "testing" here
"Here's a quote"

and it will still work.

The point is that if the string contains ", the Javascript would/could fail. If it would absolutely never contain ", then forget about it. But I think it's needed since any " in the value of strName will break the passing of it as a parameter.