This is the first time I am writing test case and I am not sort of stuck and not sure how to proceed further.
I have the following API. In the below sample I have 2 endpoints which I want to perform testing.
public class ValuesController : Controller
//This interface is used to setup dynamo db and connection to aws
private IDynamoDbClientInitialization _clientAccessor;
private static string dynamoDbTable = string.Empty;
public ValuesController(IOptions<Dictionary<string, string>> appSettings, IDynamoDbClientInitialization clientAccessor)
var vals = appSettings.Value;
dynamoDbTable = vals["dynamoDbTable"];
_clientAccessor = clientAccessor;
public async Task<List<MyModel>> GetAllData(string type, string status)
List<ScanCondition> conditions = new List<ScanCondition>();
conditions.Add(new ScanCondition("Type", ScanOperator.Equal, type));
conditions.Add(new ScanCondition("Status", ScanOperator.Equal, status));
var response = await _clientAccessor.GetContext().ScanAsync<MyModel>(conditions, AWSHelperMethods.GetDynamoDbOperationConfig(dynamoDbTable)).GetRemainingAsync();
return results.Select(x => x.UpdatedBy.ToLower()).ToList();
public async Task<IActionResult> SaveData([FromBody] List<MyModel> listData, string input, string name, string type)
List<MyModel> model = null;
foreach (var data in listData)
//populating data here
await _clientAccessor.GetContext().SaveAsync(data, AWSHelperMethods.GetDynamoDbOperationConfig(dynamoDbTable));
return Ok();
public class DynamoDbClientInitialization : IDynamoDbClientInitialization
private readonly DynamoDbClientSettings settings;
private DynamoDBContext _awsContext;
public DynamoDbClientInitialization(IOptions<DynamoDbClientSettings> options)
settings = options?.Value;
public DynamoDBContext GetContext()
//Check is context already exists. If not create a new one.
if(_awsContext != null)
return _awsContext;
var creds = AWSHelperMethods.SetAwsCredentials(settings.Id, settings.Password);
var dynamoClient = AWSHelperMethods.GetDynamoDbClient(creds, settings.Region);
_awsContext = AWSHelperMethods.GetDynamoDbContext(dynamoClient);
return _awsContext;
public static class AWSHelperMethods
public static BasicAWSCredentials SetAwsCredentials(string awsId, string awsPassword)
var creds = new BasicAWSCredentials(awsId, awsPassword);
return creds;
public static AmazonDynamoDBClient GetDynamoDbClient(BasicAWSCredentials creds, RegionEndpoint awsDynamoDbRegion)
var client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(creds, awsDynamoDbRegion);
return client;
public static DynamoDBContext GetDynamoDbContext(AmazonDynamoDBClient client)
var context = new DynamoDBContext(client);
return context;
public static DynamoDBOperationConfig GetDynamoDbOperationConfig(string dynamoDbTable)
DynamoDBOperationConfig config = new DynamoDBOperationConfig() { OverrideTableName = dynamoDbTable };
return config;
Below is the xunit project that I added. Here I am using MOQ to moq up my aws connection and others. Questions are below in comments against the code.
public class DataTest
public void PassingTest()
var dynamoDbTable = "someValue";
//Trying to moq IOptions
var moqOp = new Mock<IOptions<Dictionary<string, string>>>();
//Create an instance to hold desired values
var vals = new Dictionary<string, string>();
//Set expected value
vals["dynamoDbTable"] = dynamoDbTable;
//Setup dependency behavior
moqOp.Setup(_ => _.Value).Returns(vals);
//Trying to moq my connection
var moqDb = new Mock<IDynamoDbClientInitialization>();
//Fake data
List<MyModel> data = new List<MyModel>()
//populate as needed
.Setup(_ => _.GetContext().ScanAsync<MyModel>
(It.IsAny<List<ScanCondition>>(), AWSHelperMethods.GetDynamoDbOperationConfig(dynamoDbTable)).GetRemainingAsync())
ValuesController controller = new ValuesController(moqOp.Object,
var actual = controller.GetAllData();
Above I am getting the error as: An expression tree may not contain a call or invocation that uses optional arguments
This is on line
.Setup(_ => _.GetContext().ScanAsync<MyModel>
(It.IsAny<List<ScanCondition>>(), AWSHelperMethods.GetDynamoDbOperationConfig(dynamoDbTable)).GetRemainingAsync())
Can anyone help to resolve?
public interface IDynamoDbManager
Task<List<T>> GetAsync(IEnumerable<ScanCondition> conditions);
Task SaveAsync(T item);