I am trying to send a message over Socket in c++. I have read many questions on stack overflow related to this but couldn't still figure out how it works. lets say i am sending following characters(M,a,r,t,i,n) to a local host server, people suggest that you can use 4 bytes as the length(i.e 32 bits, so that it can handle a message up to 4GB length).
I did the same thing at my client side but still dont know how can i figure out this thing at server side whether i want to receive only starting 3 bytes(M,a,r) or last 3 bytes(t,i,n) of my data.
I am posting my code please help me mainly in the server side, will be thankfull if can write few lines with relevance to code.
Client side code
std::vector<char> userbuffer(20);
char* p = userbuffer.data();
*p = 'M';
++p; *p = 'a';
++p; *p = 'r';
++p; *p = 't';
++p; *p = 'i';
++p; *p = 'n';
size_t length = strlen(userbuffer.data());
uint32_t nlength = htonl(length);
//line containg message length information
int header_info = send(socketFD, (char*)&nlength, 4, 0);
// Data bytes send to the server
int bytes_sent = send(socketFD, userbuffer.data(), length, 0);
if(bytes_sent == SOCKET_ERROR){ //some errror handling}
Server Side Code
char receivebuffer[MAX_DATA] = { '\0' };
int bytesReceivedFromClientMsg = 1;
int length_bytes = 0;
uint32_t length, nlength;
//code to check length if we have received whole data length
while(length_bytes < 4){
int read = recv(clientSocket, ((char*)&nlength)+length_bytes, (4-length_bytes), 0);
if (read == -1) { //error handling}
length_bytes += read;}
// Most painfull section to understand.
// I implemented this code from some ideas on internet
//but still cant find how its extracting length and what i am reading :(
while(bytesReceivedFromClientMsg > 0){
int msgheader = recv(clientSocket,(char*)&nlength,6, 0);
length = ntohl(nlength);//leng value here is in severel thousand size
char *receivebuffer = new char(length+1);
bytesReceivedFromClientMsg = recv(clientSocket, receivebuffer, msgheader, 0);
receivebuffer[length] = 0 ;
std::cout<<"msg header is :"<<msgheader<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"msg data is :"<<bytesReceivedFromClientMsg<<std::endl;
if(bytesReceivedFromClientMsg == SOCKET_ERROR){//some error handling}