I have a native callback function in C++, let's say something like this:
void ::CallbackFunction(void)
// Do nothing
Now I have another native function:
void ::SomeNativeFunction(void)
m_callback = std::tr1::bind(&::CallbackFunction, m_Tcy); // save in m_callback | m_Tcy is the class where CallbackFunction exists
Alright, so now I called a managed function and gave this function a native c++ function. Let's look into the managed code:
// This won't work
// typedef std::tr1::function<void __stdcall ()>* callback_function;
typedef std::tr1::function<void()>* callback_function;
callback_function m_nativCallback;
void ::SomeManagedFunction(callback_function callback)
m_nativCallback = callback;
// Does some stuff that triggers SomeManagedCallback
void ::SomeManagedCallback(IAsyncResult^ ar)
Now, if I debug this, I get a An unhandled exception of type System.AccessViolationException occurred in .dll Additional information: An attempt was made to read or write in the protected memory. This is an indication that other memory is corrupted.
error message.
Can it be, that something is wrong with the calling convention?