I have an app that uses angular-ui-router with html5mode(true). Everything seems to work fine when running and routing to other states.
My default state is app/calendar which is set during module.run()
But when i refresh the page while i'm currently in other routes(lets say app/profile) it takes me back to app/calendar.
Debugging i noticed that the $state.current is always empty after i refresh the page
Object {name: "", url: "^", views: null, abstract: true}
if only the $state.current has value i can just transistion to the current state.
Is there anything that i am missing?
Hopefully someone can help.
My server routing looks like
app.get('/:var(/|app/calendar|app/customers|app/profile|app/settings)?', function(req, res) {
res.sendFile('/app/main/main.html',{ root: '../Appt/public' });
i'm always serving the same file.
and my front-end state configuration
var calendar = {
name: 'calendar',
url: 'app/calendar',
controller: 'Appt.Main.CalendarController',
controllerAs: 'calendar',
templateUrl: '/app/main/calendar/calendar.html'
customers = {
name: 'customers',
url: 'app/customers',
controller : 'Appt.Main.CustomersController',
controllerAs : 'customers',
templateUrl : '/app/main/customers/customers.html'
profile = {
name: 'profile',
url: 'app/profile',
controller : 'Appt.Main.ProfileController',
controllerAs : 'profile',
templateUrl : '/app/main/profile/profile.html'
settings = {
name: 'settings',
url: 'app/settings',
controller : 'Appt.Main.SettingsController',
controllerAs : 'settings',
templateUrl : '/app/main/settings/settings.html'
My module.run
'use strict';
.run(['$state','$stateParams', function ($state,$stateParams) {
console.log('Appt.Main is now running')