I have an XQuery function to convert a group of XML files to HTML and Zip them. It runs a trasform on each file to create <entry> elements.
Starting with that function:
declare function xport:make-sources( $path as xs:string) as item()* {
for $article in collection(xmldb:encode-uri($path))
let $docnum := $article/article/div[@class = 'content']/@doc/string()
<entry name="{concat($docnum,'.html')}" type='text' method='store'>
{transform:transform($article, doc("/db/EIDO/data/edit/xsl/doc-html.xsl"), <parameters/>)}
} ;
Given the input, I run the XQuery to just show me the result of the transformation ... and I see this (exactly what I would expect):
<entry name="LS01.html" type="text" method="store">
body {
font-family: Arial;
article img {
You will note the this entry and all of them have no XML Declaration at all.
But now let's put it all together and send those entries to compression. This is all inside a web application. The full XQuery is this:
xquery version "3.0";
import module namespace transform = "http://exist-db.org/xquery/transform";
declare namespace xport = "http://www.xportability.com";
declare function xport:make-sources( $path as xs:string) as item()* {
for $article in collection(xmldb:encode-uri($path))
let $docnum := $article/article/div[@class = 'content']/@doc/string()
<entry name="{concat($docnum,'.html')}" type='text' method='store'>
{transform:transform($article, doc("/db/EIDO/data/edit/xsl/doc-html.xsl"), <parameters/>)}
} ;
let $path := request:get-parameter("path", "")
let $filename := request:get-parameter("filename", "")
let $col := xport:make-sources($path)
xs:base64Binary(compression:zip($col,true()) ),
Everything works, I get a ZIP file of all the documents that have been transformed to HTML from the XML.
BUT, when I look at the actually file in the ZIP, it has this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The XML Declaration is not on any of the entries to ZIP. It does not exist anywhere (as it couldn't) in the list of entries. But the action of zipping them apparently is adding the declaration. I see no other reason or way. Even specifying omit-xml-declaration or changing the output type in the XSL to text or HTML makes no difference. And this is of course, because the entry list to zip is shown above and that shows the declaration is not there after the transformation.
The files in the ZIP have an added XML declaration, period.
Is there some workaround?