
Fabric release XCode 6.3 codesign xcode-select

2019-01-22 01:04发布


I'm trying to upload a release to Fabric & I'm getting errors as follows. I'm using the XCode 6.3 (recently updated).

  • XCode: 6.3
  • Fabric: 1.1.3
  • OSX: 10.10.3

  1. What should I do to resolve above error & continue uploading the release via fabric desktop tool?

  2. Is there any other way to upload binary to fabric?


Mike from Fabric here.

1) To clear that error from Fabric.app: Quit Fabric.app, then run this command to clear the local cache:

rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/com.crashlytics.mac

You may also need to clear:

rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/com.crashlytics
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/com.crashlytics.data
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/com.crashlytics.run

Then restart Fabric.app and you'll be all set!

2) To distribute outside of Fabric.app, use either method mentioned here.


If you have multiple versions of Xcode installed on your system you may need to ensure the command line tools are set for the version of Xcode you're attempting to build from.

Navigate to "Locations" in Xcode preferences (select Xcode from the menu bar, then "Preferences..." then "Locations"). In the drop down next to "Command Line Tools:" select the version of Xcode you're using and then attempt a build.


I had this problem because I have 4 versions of Xcode on my mac, and none of them are named simply 'Xcode'. So, I changed the desired version name from Xcode8.1 back to Xcode.

This part might not apply to most people: If you're using the xcode-select tool (you should if you have multiple versions of xcode on your computer) then you need to make sure xcode-select is pointing to the correct version with the correct name.