I'm interested in the properties of $$hashkey
on angular arrays/objects.
- Would each generated hashkey be the same each time you reload a page; a quick test tells me yes but I somewhat assumed it wouldn't?
- If you updated/added to the existing array, would the old hashkey's stay consistent?
- If the above is true, is there a way to fetch from an array using the hashkey? - of cause I could roll my own but before I recreate the wheel I thought I'd ask.
Views would include:
- form data (example has 1 form)
- element data (example has 2 elements)
- element options data (example has 2 options per element)
Fetch method:
You would then pass the hashkey of the element and it would return a reference to that array inside the full array.
Lastly the data would be:
form_id: 1
form_desc: 'xxx',
form_name: 'name 1',
Elements: [
element_id: 1,
element_name: 'element1',
default_value: null,
disabled: "0",
element_type: "image",
ElementOptions: [
show: false,
sort_order: 0,
value: "ar",
show: true,
sort_order: 1,
value: "rw",
element_id: 2,
element_name: 'element2',
default_value: null,
disabled: "0",
element_type: "image",
ElementOptions: [
show: false,
sort_order: 0,
value: "ar",
show: true,
sort_order: 1,
value: "rw",