I need to print out a value if it is above zero:
info({mail, BoxPid, Messages, MessageCount, MessageDropCount}, Req, S) ->
if MessageDropCount > 0 ->
io:format("dropped=~p~n", [MessageDropCount]);
true -> true
{loop, Req, S};
I do not like the true -> true
part of the if
expression. Is there a way to avoid it? Is there an idiom for that?
The If Then page at the ErlangCentral wiki suggests these patterns:
[io:format("dropped=~p~n", [MessageDropCount]) || MessageDropCount > 0]
MessageDropCount > 0 andalso io:format("dropped=~p~n", [MessageDropCount])
MessageDropCount =< 0 orelse io:format("dropped=~p~n", [MessageDropCount])
You ca use a function with pattern matching:
info({mail, BoxPid, Messages, MessageCount, MessageDropCount}, Req, S) ->
{loop, Req, S};
printIfNotZero(0,_) -> ok;
printIfNotZero(C,M) -> io:format(M, [C]).
EDIT: a more general function could be the following:
info({mail, BoxPid, Messages, MessageCount, MessageDropCount}, Req, S) ->
printCond(MessageDropCount =/= 0,"dropped=~p~n",[MessageDropCount]),
{loop, Req, S};
printCond(false,_,_) -> ok;
printCond(true,Format,Arglist) -> io:format(Format,Arglist).