I found some results difficult to understand when trying to debug my neural network. I tried to do some computations offline using scipy
(1.3.0), and I am not having the same results as with keras
(2.3.1) with a tensorflow
(1.14.0) backend. Here is a minimal reproducible example:
from keras.layers import Conv2D, Input
from keras.models import Model
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
image = np.array([[-1.16551484e-04, -1.88735046e-03, -7.90571701e-03,
-1.52302440e-02, -1.55315138e-02, -8.40757508e-03,
-2.12123734e-03, -1.49851941e-04],
[-1.88735046e-03, -3.05623915e-02, -1.28019482e-01,
-2.46627569e-01, -2.51506150e-01, -1.36146188e-01,
-3.43497843e-02, -2.42659380e-03],
[-7.90571701e-03, -1.28019482e-01, -5.06409585e-01,
-6.69258237e-01, -6.63918257e-01, -5.31925797e-01,
-1.43884048e-01, -1.01644937e-02],
[-1.52302440e-02, -2.46627569e-01, -6.69258296e-01,
2.44587708e+00, 2.72079444e+00, -6.30891442e-01,
-2.77190477e-01, -1.95817426e-02],
[-1.55315138e-02, -2.51506120e-01, -6.63918316e-01,
2.72079420e+00, 3.01719952e+00, -6.19484246e-01,
-2.82673597e-01, -1.99690927e-02],
[-8.40757508e-03, -1.36146188e-01, -5.31925797e-01,
-6.30891442e-01, -6.19484186e-01, -5.57167232e-01,
-1.53017864e-01, -1.08097391e-02],
[-2.12123734e-03, -3.43497805e-02, -1.43884048e-01,
-2.77190447e-01, -2.82673597e-01, -1.53017864e-01,
-3.86065207e-02, -2.72730505e-03],
[-1.49851941e-04, -2.42659380e-03, -1.01644937e-02,
-1.95817426e-02, -1.99690927e-02, -1.08097391e-02,
-2.72730505e-03, -1.92666746e-04]], dtype='float32')
kernel = np.array([[ 0.04277903 , 0.5318366 , 0.025291916],
[ 0.5756132 , -0.493123 , 0.116359994],
[ 0.10616145 , -0.319581 , -0.115053006]], dtype='float32')
print('Mean of original image', np.mean(image))
## Scipy result
res_scipy = convolve2d(image, kernel.T, mode='same')
print('Mean of convolution with scipy', np.mean(res_scipy))
## Keras result
def init(shape, dtype=None):
return kernel[..., None, None]
im = Input((None, None, 1))
im_conv = Conv2D(1, 3, padding='same', use_bias=False, kernel_initializer=init)(im)
model = Model(im, im_conv)
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam')
res_keras = model.predict_on_batch(image[None, ..., None])
print('Mean of convolution with keras', np.mean(res_keras))
When visualizing the results, I found that they are actually symmetric (point symmetry around the center modulo a little shift). .
I tried something empirical like transposing the kernel, but it didn't change anything.
EDIT Thanks to @kaya3 comment, I realized that rotating the kernel by 180 degrees did the trick. However, I still don't understand why I need to do this to get the same results.