I'd like to implement the following mockup with dot:
So far I've got this much:
digraph G {
graph [rankdir = LR, splines=ortho]
unit [shape=box, width = 2, height = 10];
more_different_unit [shape=box, height=4];
other_unit [shape=box, height=4];
unit -> other_unit [label = "foo"];
unit -> other_unit [label = "bar"];
unit -> other_unit [label = "bar"];
unit -> other_unit [label = "bar"];
unit -> other_unit [label = "bar"];
unit -> other_unit [label = "bar"];
unit -> more_different_unit [label = "bar"];
unit -> more_different_unit [label = "bar"];
unit -> more_different_unit [label = "bar"];
unit -> more_different_unit [label = "bar"];
unit -> more_different_unit [label = "bar"];
unit -> more_different_unit [label = "bar"];
I compile it like so:
dot -Gsplines=none test.gv | neato -n -Gsplines=ortho -Tpng -otest.png
That gets me close, but there are a few things I'd like to know.
How can I get blocks to the left and right of Foo, not just the right? I haven't been able to figure that out yet.
Is it possible to put the edge labels consistently above or under the edge?
How can I align the right-hand nodes left, and the left-hand nodes right? One possibility would be to make them the same width, which would be okay.
Based on the accepted answer, I am now doing the following which is precisely what I needed, again generated through dot piped to neato, as mentioned above:
digraph G {
graph [rankdir = LR, splines=ortho];
Bar[label="Bar", height=2];
Foo[label="Foo", height=4];
Bew[label="Bew", height=2];
Gate[label="Gate", height=2];
Bar -> Foo [label="Bar2Foo"];
Bar -> Foo [label="Bar2Foo"];
Bar -> Foo [label="Bar2Foo"];
Foo -> Bew [label="Foo2Bew"];
Foo -> Bew [label="Foo2Bew"];
Bew -> Foo [label="Bew2Foo"];
Foo -> Gate [label="Foo2Gate"];
Foo -> Gate [label="Foo2Gate"];