linker command failed when archive

2020-04-13 18:12发布


I want to archive a React Native project user the latest Xcode and always failed because linker command failed.

When I run xcodebuild -verbose & Ld command, then the error is like this

ld: file not found: build/`

I had tried the bellow steps, but still the same error appears

  • Remove Pods & install them again
  • Run clean under menu Product , empty build & DerivedData folder
  • Change Build Active Architecture Only to Yes
  • Remove linked Frameworks and Libraries and re-add them

Some configuration

So what is the right way to archive ios project?


try this, go to Target -> Build Settings,then search these three as following,




set NO to each value then clean and build.


In some cases the magical fix

Build settings, Enable Bitcode -> NO


please remove all derived data step1: cmd + option + shift + k step2: cmd + shift + k step3: restart xcode