I am trying to do the following and failing:
class base {}
class derived1 : base {}
class derived2 : base {}
interface itr<t>
where t : class, base
class c1: itr<derived1>
class c2 : itr<derived2>
//The following 2 registrations fail:
_unityContainer.RegisterType<itr<base>, c1>("c1");
_unityContainer.RegisterType<itr<base>, c2>("c2");
The error I get is that the second parameter in the above registrations cannot be typecast into the first parameter and this registration is not valid. Any suggestions on how I can do this?
I need to do the above instead of registering with the derived1 or derived2 classes as generic parameters because while resolving I don't want to have to know the exact derived type I am resolving. I only want to work with base type methods polymorphically.