What does ActionBar#setDefaultDisplayHomeAsUpEnabl

2020-04-12 09:44发布


I know what setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled does, but what is setDefaultDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled for I can only wonder. No documentation found, cannot find anything except it is being used.


This method is only available in the Support Action Bar, not in the "native" ActionBar class available since Android 3. More importantly, it is annotated with @hide in the source, meaning it is not part of the official API for third-party developers. That is why it is nowhere documented by Google. You should just not use it.

Having a deeper look into the sources, I found the method implemented in WindowDecorActionBar:

public void setDefaultDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(boolean enable) {
    if (!mDisplayHomeAsUpSet) {

So basically it does exactly the same as using setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled, but only if the value has not yet been set manually using the said function.

tldr: you should always use setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled and ignore the default method.