I've seen this post, but there does look to be a resolution. Anyway, I'm using ColdFusion 10 to generate an Excel spreadsheet. However, when I use SpreadsheetFormatRow() and pass in the rows to be formatted, it only does about 3 and then abruptly stops. Here is an example...
ColdFusion Code
rowCount = 1;
headingRows = 4;
// Create instance of new Spreadsheet
excelSheet = SpreadsheetNew("ReportName",false);
formatHeadingRow = StructNew();
// Add rows to fill the header area (must add as many as we are spanning with the above image)
for (x=0;x<headingRows;x++) {
<!--- stream it to the browser --->
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="inline; filename=reportName.xls">
<cfcontent type="application/vnd.ms-excel" variable="#SpreadSheetReadBinary(excelSheet)#">
and here is a screenshot of the resulting Excel sheet
Why is the formatting stopping after X number of rows and cells? If I switch to using XML format with
excelSheet = SpreadsheetNew("ReportName",true);
it works properly. However I'm using a custom palette for my colors so I don't think switching to XLSX format is going to work for me. When I try and then call
palette = excelSheet.getWorkbook().getCustomPalette();
I get an error stating that getCustomPalette() method is undefined.
coldfusion.runtime.java.MethodSelectionException: The getcustompalette method was not found
Can anyone help me figure this out? Thank you!!!
Or even better since it works with the XML format, can anyone show example of how to use a custom palette with the XLSX (xml format)