The error message I get is
A first chance exception of type 'System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException' occurred in
The call stack traces back to this snippet of code.
public MainPage()
// Set the data context of the listbox control to the sample data
DataContext = App.ViewModel;
this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(MainPage_Loaded);
And errors on the InitializeComponent() line.
public void InitializeComponent() {
if (_contentLoaded) {
_contentLoaded = true;
System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(this, new System.Uri("/App;component/MainPage.xaml", System.UriKind.Relative));
this.LayoutRoot = ((System.Windows.Controls.Grid)(this.FindName("LayoutRoot")));
this.SSIDTextBox = ((System.Windows.Controls.TextBox)(this.FindName("SSIDTextBox")));
this.PasswordTextBox = ((System.Windows.Controls.TextBox)(this.FindName("PasswordTextBox")));
this.Auth_ListPicker = ((Microsoft.Phone.Controls.ListPicker)(this.FindName("Auth_ListPicker")));
this.SaveButton = ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(this.FindName("SaveButton")));
this.GenerateButton = ((System.Windows.Controls.Button)(this.FindName("GenerateButton")));
this.QRImage = ((System.Windows.Controls.Image)(this.FindName("QRImage")));
this.Profiles= ((System.Windows.Controls.ListBox)(this.FindName("Profiles")));
I did not get this exception before I converted the WP 7.1 to WP8.
Any help would be appreciated.
Update: I added the entire exception message, does it help pinpoint the issue?
'TaskHost.exe' (CLR C:\windows\system32\coreclr.dll: DefaultDomain): Loaded 'C:\windows\system32\'. Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled. 'TaskHost.exe' (CLR C:\windows\system32\coreclr.dll: Silverlight AppDomain): Loaded 'C:\windows\system32\'. Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled. 'TaskHost.exe' (CLR C:\windows\system32\coreclr.dll: Silverlight AppDomain): Loaded 'C:\windows\system32\'. Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled. 'TaskHost.exe' (CLR C:\windows\system32\coreclr.dll: Silverlight AppDomain): Loaded 'C:\windows\system32\'. Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled. 'TaskHost.exe' (CLR C:\windows\system32\coreclr.dll: Silverlight AppDomain): Loaded 'C:\windows\system32\'. Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled. 'TaskHost.exe' (CLR C:\windows\system32\coreclr.dll: Silverlight AppDomain): Loaded 'C:\windows\system32\'. Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled. 'TaskHost.exe' (CLR C:\windows\system32\coreclr.dll: Silverlight AppDomain): Loaded 'C:\Data\Programs{64003C1B-A4FD-41FF-A132-2B6C9FE8EDC9}\Install\WifiQR.DLL'. Symbols loaded. 'TaskHost.exe' (CLR C:\windows\system32\coreclr.dll: Silverlight AppDomain): Loaded 'C:\windows\system32\'. Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled. 'TaskHost.exe' (CLR C:\windows\system32\coreclr.dll: Silverlight AppDomain): Loaded 'C:\windows\system32\'. Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled. 'TaskHost.exe' (CLR C:\windows\system32\coreclr.dll: Silverlight AppDomain): Loaded 'C:\Data\Programs{64003C1B-A4FD-41FF-A132-2B6C9FE8EDC9}\Install\Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Toolkit.DLL'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'TaskHost.exe' (CLR C:\windows\system32\coreclr.dll: Silverlight AppDomain): Loaded 'C:\Data\Programs{64003C1B-A4FD-41FF-A132-2B6C9FE8EDC9}\Install\'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 'TaskHost.exe' (CLR C:\windows\system32\coreclr.dll: Silverlight AppDomain): Loaded 'C:\windows\system32\'. Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled. A first chance exception of type 'System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException' occurred in