NavigateToStream. What URI (if any) is used for re

2020-04-12 08:52发布


I have an WPF application which uses a <WebBrowser> object to display some content which is in turn wrapped in HTML -- I want to generate that HTML on the fly, but it will hold links to different kinds of static content which will be local files. In a normal web application, I would try to use relative URIs for this -- they will be looked up relative to the URI of the dynamic page.

The problem is if I use WebBrowser.NavigateToStream (or .NavigateToString). In this case what is the "root" URI used for resolving relative links? Can I control it? Is it fixed? Perhaps relative Uris are simply banned in such data streams.


Try adding <base href="root_path"> into the <head> section of the generated page. It works with NavigateToString, at least:

    @"<head><base href='file://C:\Users\User\Documents\'></head><body><img src='image.jpg'></body>");