There is a suitable method in the sbt.Exctracted to add the TaskKey to the current state. Assume I have inState: State
val key1 = TaskKey[String]("key1")
Project.extract(inState).append(Seq(key1 := "key1 value"), inState)
I have faced with the strange behavior when I do it twice. I got the exception in the following example:
val key1 = TaskKey[String]("key1")
val key2 = TaskKey[String]("key2")
val st1: State = Project.extract(inState).append(Seq(key1 := "key1 value"), inState)
val st2: State = Project.extract(st1).append(Seq(key2 := "key2 value"), st1)
Project.extract(st2).runTask(key1, st2)
leads to:
java.lang.RuntimeException: */*:key1 is undefined.
The question is - why does it work like this? Is it possible to add several TaskKey
s while executing the particular task by several calls to sbt.Extracted.append
The example sbt project is sbt.Extracted append-example, to reproduce the issue just run sbt fooCmd