I need to show UIKeyboard
with done button on top right corner ..please look into attached image..any help would be appreciated.
This might help you. please check it out BSKeyboardControls
Create a UIToolbar keep two bar buttons in that. Initially Hide that toolbar.
Show the toolbar on the textfield didBeginEditing delegate of textfield
and hide the toolbar in didEndEditing delegate of textfield
EDIT: As prashant said BSKeyboard offers what i said. See the look and feel of it here http://www.cocoacontrols.com/platforms/ios/controls/bskeyboardcontrols
You should set inputAccessoryView propery of UITextField or UITextView to your custom view with all required buttons
@property(readwrite, retain) UIView *inputAccessoryView
The custom accessory view to display when the text field becomes the first responder The default value of this property is nil. Assigning a view to this property causes that view to be displayed above the standard system keyboard (or above the custom input view if one is provided) when the text field becomes the first responder. For example, you could use this property to attach a custom toolbar to the keyboard.