DataSet does not support System.Nullable<> exce

2020-04-12 00:14发布


public partial class Form2 : Form
        public Form2()
        private void Form2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            RST_DBDataContext db = new RST_DBDataContext();
            var d = (from s in db.TblSpareParts
                                        select new {  s.SPartName, s.SPartCode, s.ModelID, s.SPartLocation,  s.SPartActive, s.SPartSalePrice }).ToArray();
            CrystalReport1 c = new CrystalReport1();
            crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = c;


i am trying generate crystal report there in sql table SPartSalePrice is nullable due to that at c.SetDataSource(d); exception come please solve it


Use the null coalescing or conditional operators in your anonymous projection to map out the null:


var d = (from s in db.TblSpareParts
  select new 
    SPartSalePrice = s.SPartSalePrice ?? 0.0,

Conditional (Not really useful for nulls, but useful for projecting other values)

  SPartSalePrice = s.SPartSalePrice == null ? 0.0 : s.SPartSalePrice,

The field needs to be given a name (I've kept the original one, SPartSalePrice), and the type of substitution (0.0) should match the type of the field.


maybe One of your object values is Null. try something like that

        private void Form2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        RST_DBDataContext db = new RST_DBDataContext();
        var d = (from s in db.TblSpareParts
                                    select new {  
                                                    s.SPartName?? DBNull.Value, 
                                                    s.SPartCode?? DBNull.Value, 
                                                    s.ModelID ?? DBNull.Value, 
                                                    s.SPartLocation ?? DBNull.Value,  
                                                    s.SPartActive ?? DBNull.Value, 
                                                    s.SPartSalePrice ?? DBNull.Value, 
        CrystalReport1 c = new CrystalReport1();
        crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = c;



Try this :

public partial class Form2 : Form
        public Form2()
        private void Form2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            RST_DBDataContext db = new RST_DBDataContext();
    var d = (from s in db.TblSpareParts
             select new { s.SPartName, s.SPartCode, s.ModelID, s.SPartLocation, s.SPartActive, newPartSalePrice = s.SPartSalePrice == null ? 0 : s.SPartSalePrice }).ToArray();
    CrystalReport1 c = new CrystalReport1();
    crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = c;


you should check for null in the selection with

s.SPartSalePrice == null ? 0 : s.SPartSalePrice 

whetherit is null or not if it is null then it will return 0 otherwise it returns the value and assign it to the new variable

newPartSalePrice = s.SPartSalePrice == null ? 0 : s.SPartSalePrice 


iF Data Type is String then

SPartSalePrice =s.SPartSalePrice == null ? "" : s.SPartSalePrice;

which show blank if data is null else show data.

If data type is int then

PartSalePrice = s.SPartSalePrice == null ? 0 : s.SPartSalePrice 


Check in your class if you have only one attribute nullable like this : decimal? , put it in decimal. For all of your attributes which have the question mark in there declaration, delete the question mark simply and execute.

标签: c# dataset