Im using BIML to dynamically create load packages for SSIS to load data from Informix to SQL Server. The problem is that this BIML code produces the SQL below
<DirectInput>SELECT <#=table.GetColumnList()#> FROM <#=table.GetTag("SourceSchemaQualifiedName")#></DirectInput>
SELECT [column1], [column2], [column3], FROM [mySchema].[mySrcTable]
But that doesnt work in my source database because of the brackets. Any way i can get the columnlist & tablename without the brackets dynamically?
You should be able to use the overloaded method of GetColumnList
<#=table.GetColumnList(string.Empty, "\"", "\"")#>
which should produce a double quote wrapped column name with no table alias - which I think is what Informix expects.
This works for both column names and table name:
<OdbcSource Name="Data from informix" Connection="Source_Informix">
<DirectInput>SELECT <#=table.GetColumnList(string.Empty, "", "")#> FROM schema.<#=table.Name#></DirectInput>
<OleDbDestination Name="Data to MSSQL" ConnectionName="Target_MSSQL">
<TableOutput TableName="<#=table.ScopedName#>"/>