Google Glass (Not installed)

2020-04-11 18:47发布


I am new to Android Studio and google-Glass.

I am trying to create a knew project that will use google-glass but my problem is when I have to Check/select glass it is Disabled and I do not know how to fix this problem.

See the Image below.

and here is my SDK that shows that i have installed APK 19.

and with the Image below it shows that the glass does appear on Android Studio

can anyone please help me if the is something wrong that i am doing.

will appreciate your Help.


In my case, I needed to make sure I also installed the latest Android SDK Tools, Android SDK Platform-tools, and Android SDK Build-tools. Lastly, also install Android SDK Build-tools rev. 20. All four of these are under "Tools" in the SDK Manager.

Downloading the above allowed me to create a new Glass project.

Also try: Go to File -> Project Structure -> SDK Location. Make sure it is the correct SDK directory.


I installed the GDK with version 1.3.2 but, even checking the correct path of the SDK and GDK, the initial wizard for starting a new project didn't recognize it (still was saying "Glass (not installed)").

I had then to uninstall the current version of Android Studio and delete the SDK; I installed version 1.1 and downloaded again the SDK and GDK and then it works.