I'm have a map that looks like this: Map[ A -> Collection[B]]
. This map gets updated in a loop - the special thing is however, that updates mostly just mean adding an element B to the Collection[B] (for some key A).
I am trying to find out if I can get some speedup by changing the type of my Collection from List[ ] to ListBuffer[ ].
Up to now my code looked like this (simplified):
var incoming = new HashMap[A, List[B]() {
override def default(a: A) = List()
for(b < someCollectionOfBs){
incoming(b.getA) = b :: incoming(b.getA)
This works fine. Now, I changed the type of the map so it looks like this:
var incoming = new collection.mutable.HashMap[A, ListBuffer[B]() {
override def default(a: A) = collection.mutable.ListBuffer()
for(b < someCollectionOfBs){
incoming(b.getA) += b
Note the change in how the element B is added to the collection in the 2nd example (no more immutable List, hence we do not need to create and assign new collection...).
But. This does not work: incoming(X) += ..
does not update the value of the map for X, actually it does not change anything.
What am I missing here? I thought that I should be able to update the values of a mutable HashMap... So, if my values are mutable collections, why can't I just add elements to those?