I use erlIDE (based on Eclipse) to work on Erlang projects. Till today everything was fine, but today I have to use external library (couchbeam) in my application. I found out, what is hell, btw.)
The problem is simple – I cannot include external library to compiler path. I've used rebar to get couchbeam's dependencies and it also downloaded ibrowse, mochiweb and ejson.
How can I include those libraries to compiler path without modifing ERL_LIBS to work on project in erlIDE?
I do not want modify ERL_LIBS, because I can change projects's path, start new one (then I should modify ERL_LIBS again) and so on.
I've tried compiler options in erlIDE:
{pa, {pa, 'site_stater/deps/couchbeam/'}}
{pa, {pa, '../deps/couchbeam/'}}
where 'site_stater' – is project's name
I wonder how professional erlang programmers organaze their projects workflow (where they write erlang progs, how debuggin it, deal with external libraries and so on).
Many thanks for your attension.
UPDATE I wrote simple function to load libraries, but I think it is still wrong way to deal with this problem:
load_libraries() ->
ProjectRoot = filename:join([filename:absname("./"), "site_stater"]),
{ok, DepsList} = file:list_dir(ProjectRoot ++ "/deps/"),
lists:foreach(fun (Folder) ->
RealFolder = ProjectRoot ++ "/deps/" ++ Folder,
case filelib:is_dir(RealFolder) of
true ->
code:add_patha(filename:join([RealFolder, "/ebin"]));
false -> ok