I am trying to convert a list of strings into an array. The list is really an array of numbers that is n rows long by 4 columns that I took from a text file. I need to convert this list to an array that is n rows by 4 columns and is floating type. Below is my code so far:
#Calculate the average velocity through a tidal cycle
from pylab import *
import numpy as np
#Open profile1.ele and get the data
lookup = '##'
data = []
eleline = []
with open('profile1.ele') as f:
for line in f:
if not line.startswith(lookup): #disclude lines with '##'
if 'Elements' in line:
s = ''.join(eleline) #Convert list to string
numele = s.rsplit()[-2] #Grab # of elements
numele = int(numele) #convert to integer
#Convert data list object into an array
elements = np.asarray(data)
This is where I am having problems. The resultant array is a 1D array with all the information from each line in the list jumbled together.
Here is an example of the input file format.
## =============================================================================
## TIME STEP 1 Duration: 6.0000E+02 sec Time: 3.4712E+09 sec
## =============================================================================
## X origin Y origin X velocity Y velocity
3.1225530E-01 -9.5153722E+00 4.8239441E-09 -1.1614215E-08
4.0205122E-01 -8.5404981E+00 1.7396887E-09 -1.8665899E-08
4.3224251E-01 -7.5565436E+00 2.0985602E-09 -2.5349955E-08
4.3234870E-01 -6.5693932E+00 1.7166213E-09 -3.1156361E-08
4.2276193E-01 -5.5905580E+00 1.9627062E-09 -3.7317066E-08
4.0245047E-01 -4.6585868E+00 1.7305504E-09 -4.3153198E-08
3.6284562E-01 -3.8494609E+00 1.7422198E-09 -4.8249619E-08
3.1234937E-01 -3.1767707E+00 1.9901861E-09 -5.3221055E-08
2.6726067E-01 -2.5743939E+00 1.9799420E-09 -5.8343627E-08
2.2791616E-01 -2.0380240E+00 1.7150138E-09 -6.3250542E-08
1.8285348E-01 -1.5997592E+00 9.9428594E-10 -6.7249257E-08
I want an array (11 x 4) of this data as a floating point. Example:
3.1225530E-01 -9.5153722E+00 4.8239441E-09 -1.1614215E-08
4.0205122E-01 -8.5404981E+00 1.7396887E-09 -1.8665899E-08
4.3224251E-01 -7.5565436E+00 2.0985602E-09 -2.5349955E-08
4.3234870E-01 -6.5693932E+00 1.7166213E-09 -3.1156361E-08
4.2276193E-01 -5.5905580E+00 1.9627062E-09 -3.7317066E-08
4.0245047E-01 -4.6585868E+00 1.7305504E-09 -4.3153198E-08
3.6284562E-01 -3.8494609E+00 1.7422198E-09 -4.8249619E-08
3.1234937E-01 -3.1767707E+00 1.9901861E-09 -5.3221055E-08
2.6726067E-01 -2.5743939E+00 1.9799420E-09 -5.8343627E-08
2.2791616E-01 -2.0380240E+00 1.7150138E-09 -6.3250542E-08
1.8285348E-01 -1.5997592E+00 9.9428594E-10 -6.7249257E-08