I have the following table:
T(ID primary key, A, B)
I want to have pair (A, B) unique but I don't want to have constraint unique(A,B) on them because it will give error on insert.
Instead I want MySQL to silently ignore such inserts.
I can't use "insert on duplicate keys ignore" because I can't control client's queries.
So, can I build such trigger? Or maybe there is some constraint that allows silent ignore?
Edit: I dug around and I think I want something like SQLite's "Raise Ignore" statement.
Before mysql 5.5. it wasn't possible to stop an insert inside a trigger. There where some ugly work arounds but nothing I would recommend. Since 5.5 you can use SIGNAL to do it.
delimiter //
drop trigger if exists aborting_trigger //
create trigger aborting_trigger before insert on t
for each row
set @found := false;
select true into @found from t where a=new.a and b=new.b;
if @found then
signal sqlstate '45000' set message_text = 'duplicate insert';
end if;
end //
delimiter ;
Add a unique key (A,B) and use INSERT statement with an IGNORE keyword.
From the reference - If you use the IGNORE keyword, errors that occur while executing the INSERT statement are treated as warnings instead.
INSERT Syntax.