I have a numpy array
of shape, (320, 320, 3). I want to repeat/duplicate this data 10 times, and want to get new array of shape (10, 320, 320, 3).
How to do it?
array = np.ones((320, 320, 3))
print (array.shape)
(320, 320, 3)
I tried as:
res = np.tile(array, 10)
print (res.shape)
(320, 320, 30).
But I want shape
(10, 320, 320, 3)
We can use np.broadcast_to
np.broadcast_to(a,(10,)+a.shape).copy() # a is input array
If we are okay with a view instead, skip .copy()
for a virtually free runtime and zero memory overhead.
We can also use np.repeat
You can use np.resize
, which will tile if the new size is larger than the old one:
array = np.ones((320, 320, 3))
new_array = np.resize(array, (10, *array.shape))
# (10, 320, 320, 3)
From the docs:
numpy.resize(a, new_shape)
: If the new array is larger than the original array, then the new array is filled with repeated copies of a.
res = np.tile(array, (10,1,1,1))
print (res.shape)