I should append a new row to an existing Excel file. The task consists of two parts:
- Add to non-existing file (works well).
- Add to existing file (doesn't work: it doesn't make NEW record, displaying only the old record from "else" body).
Here is my code:
private static void ExportToEXCEL(DataTable dt, string paymentStoryPath)
if (File.Exists(paymentStoryPath))
XLWorkbook currentWorkbook = new XLWorkbook(paymentStoryPath);
IXLWorksheet currentWsh = currentWorkbook.Worksheet("Payment history");
//IXLCell cellForNewData = index.Cell(index.LastRowUsed().RowNumber() + 1, 1);
IXLRow rowForNewData = currentWsh.Row(currentWsh.LastRowUsed().RowNumber()+1);
rowForNewData.Value = dt;
//not exist
XLWorkbook wb = new XLWorkbook();
wb.Worksheets.Add(dt, "Payment history");
What is wrong and what should I change in my code?
I took @raidri example and took it one step further where I have an extension method to handle this.
public static class Extensions
public static void ToExcelFile(this DataTable dataTable, string filename, string worksheetName = "Sheet1")
using(var workbook = new XLWorkbook())
workbook.Worksheets.Add(dataTable, worksheetName);
To add a DataTable
use the InsertTable()
XLWorkbook currentWorkbook = new XLWorkbook(paymentStoryPath);
IXLWorksheet currentWsh = currentWorkbook.Worksheet("Payment history");
IXLCell cellForNewData = currentWsh.Cell(currentWsh.LastRowUsed().RowNumber() + 1, 1);
I've got the following code from one of my projects that inserts a DataTable
into Excel.
//insert rows below a range from the cell going table rows down
, cell.Address.ColumnNumber
, cell.Address.RowNumber + DocDataSet.Tables[tableNo].Rows.Count
, cell.Address.ColumnNumber)
//InsertData returns a range covering the inserted data
var ra = ws.Cell(cell.Address.RowNumber, cell.Address.ColumnNumber)
//apply the style of the table token cell to the whole range
ra.Style = cell.Style;
Its been a while since I wrote it, but as far as I know the idea is, create a range that will cover the rows and columns that will be populated. The Cell
object has a InsertData
method that can take any IEnumerable
You might not need the ws.Range
line, I was inserting into a template so I had to create the space first.