Does adding a certificate exception in Firefox tell it to trust a certificate, an address, or a combination of both? See the following hypothetical:
First, I hypothetically visit, which uses a self-signed certificate. My browser alerts me that the certificate is self-signed, but I choose to add an exception (in firefox 40's settings under Advanced > Certificates > View Certificates > Servers).
Now let's say I go to, and it presents the exact same certificate. Will firefox trust this site, because it uses a trusted certificate, or will it warn me because the certificate is not trusted at this address?
Now let's say I re-visit in a couple weeks, and they have since generated and started using a new certificate (The CA is the same, but I have not added the CA as a trusted root). Will firefox show me a warning, because the certificate is not trusted? Or will it trust the site, because it is a trusted address?
Or is there another angle to this?