I have problem with correctly saving a file after its download is complete in Project Reactor.
class HttpImageClientDownloader implements ImageClientDownloader {
private final ExchangeFunction exchangeFunction;
HttpImageClientDownloader() {
this.exchangeFunction = ExchangeFunctions.create(new ReactorClientHttpConnector());
public Mono<File> downloadImage(String url, Path destination) {
ClientRequest clientRequest = ClientRequest.create(HttpMethod.GET, URI.create(url)).build();
return exchangeFunction.exchange(clientRequest)
.map(clientResponse -> clientResponse.body(BodyExtractors.toDataBuffers()))
//.flatMapMany(clientResponse -> clientResponse.body(BodyExtractors.toDataBuffers()))
.flatMap(dataBuffer -> {
AsynchronousFileChannel fileChannel = createFile(destination);
return DataBufferUtils
.write(dataBuffer, fileChannel, 0)
private AsynchronousFileChannel createFile(Path path) {
try {
return AsynchronousFileChannel.open(path, StandardOpenOption.CREATE);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ImageDownloadException("Error while creating file: " + path, e);
So my question is: Is DataBufferUtils.write(dataBuffer, fileChannel, 0) blocking?
What about when the disk is slow?
And second question about what happens when ImageDownloadException occurs , In doOnNext I want to release the given data buffer, is that a good place for this kind operation?
I think also this line:
.map(clientResponse -> clientResponse.body(BodyExtractors.toDataBuffers()))
could be blocking...