When creating an ActiveXComponent
using JACOB I get the following error.
com.jacob.com.ComFailException: Can't co-create object
at com.jacob.com.Dispatch.createInstanceNative(Native Method)
at com.jacob.com.Dispatch.<init>(Dispatch.java:99)
at com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent.<init>(ActiveXComponent.java:58)
at com.paston.jacobtest.RidderIQ.main(RidderIQ.java:30)
The COM object which I need to use from a program which doesn't register its DLLs by itself during installation.
To register the DLL I used the 64bit version of RegAsm according to this article that could help. Also, I tried to load every DLL in of the external program because I suspected that there could be "something" wrong with loading the dependencies.
Here is my current code:
public static void main(String[] args) {
String dllDir = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Ridder iQ Client\\Bin\\";
File folder = new File( dllDir );
for (final File fileEntry : folder.listFiles()) {
String str = fileEntry.getName();
if (str.substring(str.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).equals("dll")) {
System.load(dllDir + str);
try {
ActiveXComponent example = new ActiveXComponent("RidderIQSDK");
} catch (Exception e) {
When changing the name to the clsid I get a different exception.
com.jacob.com.ComFailException: Can't find moniker
at com.jacob.com.Dispatch.createInstanceNative(Native Method)
at com.jacob.com.Dispatch.<init>(Dispatch.java:99)
at com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent.<init>(ActiveXComponent.java:58)
at com.paston.jacobtest.RidderIQ.main(RidderIQ.java:28)
I got JACOB to work with my code in another test using the system's Random object.
ActiveXComponent random = new ActiveXComponent("clsid:4E77EC8F-51D8-386C-85FE-7DC931B7A8E7");
Object obj = random.getObject();
Object result = Dispatch.call((Dispatch) obj, "Next");
System.out.println("Result: "+result);