Simple question, but I just can't find the answer anywhere (I suppose I don't know what exactly to look for...). How can I prevent my tooltips from displaying an ugly square with the scene's background image as background like in this picture?!
This is my CSS, I believe some of the options such as the buttons are affecting the tooltip... just as they affect my Datepickers in another part of the code. How do I manage them not to have this collateral effect? Will simply defining a CSS for specific objects such as the DatePicker or the Tooltip do the trick?
I'm using JDK 8u11, MAC OS Mavericks.
.root {
-fx-background-image: url("media/background.jpg");
.button {
linear-gradient(#686868 0%, #232723 25%, #373837 75%, #757575 100%),
linear-gradient(#020b02, #3a3a3a),
linear-gradient(#9d9e9d 0%, #6b6a6b 20%, #343534 80%, #242424 100%),
linear-gradient(#8a8a8a 0%, #6b6a6b 20%, #343534 80%, #262626 100%),
linear-gradient(#777777 0%, #606060 50%, #505250 51%, #2a2b2a 100%);
-fx-background-insets: 0,1,4,5,6;
-fx-background-radius: 9,8,5,4,3;
-fx-padding: 15 30 15 30;
-fx-font-family: "Arial Black";
-fx-font-size: 18px;
-fx-font-weight: bold;
-fx-text-fill: white;
-fx-effect: dropshadow( three-pass-box , rgba(255,255,255,0.2) , 1, 0.0 , 0 , 1);
.button:hover {
linear-gradient(#757575 0%, #373837 25%, #232723 75%, #686868 100%),
linear-gradient(#3a3a3a, #020b02),
linear-gradient(#242424 0%, #343534 20%, #6b6a6b 80%, #9d9e9d 100%),
linear-gradient(#262626 0%, #343534 20%, #6b6a6b 80%, #8a8a8a 100%),
linear-gradient(#2a2b2a 0%, #505250 50%, #606060 51%, #777777 100%);
-fx-background-insets: 0,1,4,5,6;
-fx-background-radius: 9,8,5,4,3;
-fx-padding: 15 30 15 30;
-fx-font-family: "Arial Black";
-fx-font-size: 18px;
-fx-font-weight: bold;
-fx-text-fill: white;
-fx-effect: dropshadow( three-pass-box , rgba(255,255,255,0.2) , 1, 0.0 , 0 , 1);
.text-area *.text {
-fx-text-alignment: justify;
.text-area {
-fx-background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.4);
.text-area .scroll-pane {
-fx-background-color: transparent;
.text-area .scroll-pane .viewport{
-fx-background-color: transparent;
.text-area .scroll-pane .content{
-fx-background-color: transparent;
-fx-font-size: 14px;
-fx-font-family: "Arial Black";
-fx-fill: #818181;
-fx-effect: innershadow( three-pass-box , rgba(0,0,0,0.7) , 6, 0.0 , 0 , 2 );