I have registered a domain in iPage.com.
But recently i learnt that they are not allowing remote access to database. i am coding my webpage in php5 kohana framework, so when i use mysql_connect(hostname,username,password)
function in PHP, it returns an error and cannot connect to database. Neither via SQLyog (which i use to access remote databases) i can connect.
What can i do in my codes to create entries into my iPage database? Do i need any additional application or something? I am not sure but i think they dont allow ssh and html tunneling too.
You can use HTTP-tunneling in SQLyog
More info: http://faq.webyog.com/21_19_en.html
You might want to try either installing or getting your host to install phpMyAdmin. It should help you to deal with databases in your limited setup.
I got it solved. The problem was that, I was trying to reach my ipage database from my localhost (my own computer), and it was returning error. iPage does not allow remote access, which means that I cannot reach/edit my databases from any database management application (e.g. SQLyog). However, when i created a demo website with a proper index.php trying to reach the database by mysql_connect() function, and uploaded to my domain by cuteFTP, it ran successfully and could reach the database.