In one of my UI-router states, I have the following link '/users'
, which points to a page that shows a list of users. Below is the code I wrote to resolve the list of users by using a $resource call, however, the data doesn't seem resolved when the page is loaded:
.state('users', {
url: '/users',
templateUrl: '/assets/angularApp/partials/users.html',
controller: 'UserListCtrl as vm',
resolve: {
users: function ($resource) {
return $resource('http://localhost:8080/api/users').query().$promise.then(function(data) {
return data;
In the UserListCtrl, I have the following to assign the resolved users to vm.users so that the users can be displayed on the partial page:
function UserListCtrl($log, users) {
var vm = this;
vm.users = users;
The page, however, only displays a few empty rows without any data filled in. So I think the resolve
is not working properly on my url /users
, could anyone spot where might be problematic? Thanks