Say I have a parent interface/class like so
interface Parent<T> {}
And a number of implementing interfaces that fix the generic type.
interface Child extends Parent<Type> {}
Can I use reflection to get the instance of Class
representing T
if I have the Class
object for Child
. Something like this:
<T, I extends Parent<T>> I create(Class<I> type) {
Class<T> tType = ...
Currently I'm having tType
be passed in as a parameter, but I'd like to simplify things if I can.
Yes, despite what the others have said, this info is available if you have access to the subclass' Class
object. You need to use getGenericSuperclass
along with getActualTypeArguments
ParameterizedType superClass = (ParameterizedType)childClass.getGenericSuperclass();
In your example, the "actual" type argument should return the Class
for Type
If you need to do anything non-trivial with generic types at runtime, consider Guava's TypeToken
. It can answer your question (and many more!) while addressing some of the nuanced concerns raised by commenters:
private interface Parent<T> {}
private interface Intermediate<U, V> extends Parent<V> {}
private interface Child<Z> extends Comparable<Double>, Intermediate<Z, Iterable<String>> {}
public void exploreGuavaTypeTokens() {
final TypeToken<? super Child> token = TypeToken.of(Child.class).getSupertype(Parent.class);
final TypeToken<?> resolved = token.resolveType(Parent.class.getTypeParameters()[0]);
System.out.println(resolved); // "java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String>"
final Class<?> raw = resolved.getRawType();
System.out.println(raw); // "interface java.lang.Iterable"
I don't think so. Read about type erasure: the generic types are used only for compile-time checking, and then discarded. They're not stored in the compiled class files so they're not available at runtime.