I have array object(x) that stores json (key,value) objects. I need to make sure that x only takes json object with unique key. Below, example 'id' is the key, so i don't want to store other json objects with 'item1' key.
x = [{"id":"item1","val":"Items"},{"id":"item1","val":"Items"},{"id":"item1","val":"Items"}]
var clickId = // could be "item1", "item2"....
var found = $.inArray(clickId, x); //
if(found >=0)
x.push(new Item(clickId, obj)); //push json object
would this accomplish what you're looking for? https://jsfiddle.net/gukv9arj/3/
x = [
var clickId = [];
var list = JSON.parse(x);
$.each(list, function(index, value){
if(clickId.indexOf(value.id) === -1){
You can't use inArray()
because you are searching for an object
I'd recommend rewriting a custom find using Array.some()
as follows.
var x = [{"id":"item1","val":"Items"},{"id":"item1","val":"Items"},{"id":"item1","val":"Items"}]
var clickId = "item1";
var found = x.some(function(value) {
return value.id === clickId;
JS objects are great tools to use for tracking unique items. If you start with an empty object, you can incrementally add keys/values. If the object already has a key for a given item, you can set it to some known value that is use used to indicate a non-unique item.
You could then loop over the object and push the unique items to an array.
var itemsObj = {};
var itemsList = [];
x = [{"id":"item1","val":"foo"},
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
var item = x[i];
if (itemsObj[item.id]) {
itemsObj[item.id] = "dupe";
else {
itemsObj[item.id] = item;
for (var myKey in itemsObj) {
if (itemsObj[myKey] !== "dupe") {
See a working example here: https://jsbin.com/qucuso
If you want a list of items that contain only the first instance of an id, you can do this:
var itemsObj = {};
var itemsList = [];
x = [{"id":"item1","val":"foo"},
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
var item = x[i];
if (!itemsObj[item.id]) {
itemsObj[item.id] = item;
This is late but I did something like the following:
let MyArray = [];
MyArray._PushAndRejectDuplicate = function(el) {
if (this.indexOf(el) == -1) this.push(el)
else return;
MyArray._PushAndRejectDuplicate(1); // [1]
MyArray._PushAndRejectDuplicate(2); // [1,2]
MyArray._PushAndRejectDuplicate(1); // [1,2]
This is how I would do it in pure javascript.
var x = [{"id":"item1","val":"Items"},{"id":"item1","val":"Items"},{"id":"item1","val":"Items"}];
function unique(arr, comparator) {
var uniqueArr = [];
for (var i in arr) {
var found = false;
for (var j in uniqueArr) {
if (comparator instanceof Function) {
if (comparator.call(null, arr[i], uniqueArr[j])) {
found = true;
} else {
if (arr[i] == uniqueArr[j]) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return uniqueArr;
u = unique(x, function(a,b){ return a.id == b.id; });
y = [ 1,1,2,3,4,5,5,6,1];