In EF Core 2.2 I had:
var data = await _ArticleTranslationRepository.DbSet
.Include(arttrans => arttrans.Article)
.ThenInclude(art => art.Category)
.Where(trans => trans.Article != null && trans.Article.Category != null && trans.Article.Category.Id == categoryId.Value)
.GroupBy(trans => trans.ArticleId)
.Select(g => new { ArticleId = g.Key, TransInPreferredLang = g.OrderByDescending(trans => trans.LanguageId == lang).ThenByDescending(trans => trans.LanguageId == defaultSiteLanguage).ThenBy(trans => trans.LanguageId).FirstOrDefault() })
.Select(at => at.TransInPreferredLang)
.OrderBy(at => at.Article.SortIndex)
Now with EF Core 3.0 I had to write:
var data = _ArticleTranslationRepository.DbSet
.Include(arttrans => arttrans.Article)
.ThenInclude(art => art.Category)
.Where(trans => trans.Article != null && trans.Article.Category != null && trans.Article.Category.Id == categoryId.Value)
.AsEnumerable() // client side groupby is not supported (.net core 3.0 (18 nov. 2019)
.GroupBy(trans => trans.ArticleId)
.Select(g => new { ArticleId = g.Key, TransInPreferredLang = g.OrderByDescending(trans => trans.LanguageId == lang).ThenByDescending(trans => trans.LanguageId == defaultSiteLanguage).ThenBy(trans => trans.LanguageId).FirstOrDefault() })
.Select(at => at.TransInPreferredLang)
.OrderBy(at => at.Article.SortIndex)
My core mvc actionmethod is async (public virtual async Task<ICollection<…>>…
Because I used .AsEnumerable to force client side evaluation I also had to change .ToListAsync()
to .ToList()
and remove the await
The query is working but produces a warning:
This async method lacs 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await operator ….
How can this EF Core 3.0 query be rewritten so that it uses async / await. I can't figure out how to include the AsAsyncEnumerable()
in a single query/linq expression.
(I know that I can split it up in a 'server' part and a 'client-side' part, but I would like to see it in a single async linq expression as I had before in EF Core 2.2.)