Workaround for file input label click (Firefox)

2019-01-21 20:47发布


<label for="input">Label</label><input type="file" id="input"/>

In Firefox 7 it is not possible to trigger the open file dialog by clicking on the label.

This SO question is very similar but that's green checked with it's a bug in FF. I'm looking for a workaround.

Any ideas?


thank you for this q&a... helped me out.

my variation of @marten-wikstrom's solution:

if($.browser.mozilla) {
  $(document).on('click', 'label', function(e) {
    if(e.currentTarget === this && !== 'INPUT') {


  • using document.ready ($(function() {...});) is unnecessary, in either solution. takes care of that in @marten-wikstrom's case; explicitly binding to document does in my example.
  • using jQuery.fn.on... current recommended binding technique.
  • added the !== 'INPUT' check to ensure execution does not get caught in a loop here:

      <input type="file">

    (since the file field click will bubble back up to the label)

  • change check to event.currentTarget, allowing for initial click on the <em> in:

    <label for="field">click <em>here</em></label>
  • using the label element's control attribute for cleaner, simpler, spec-base form field association.


I came up with a feasible workaround:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
        $("label").click(function () {
<label for="input">Label</label><input type="file" id="input"/>

Quite strange that FF allows you to simulate a click on a file input. I thought that was considered a security risk...

UPDATE: This is a generic workaround:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
        if ($.browser.mozilla) {
            $("label").live("click", function (event) {
                if ( == this) {
                    $("#" + $(this).attr("for")).extend($("input", this)).first().click();


A couple problems arise when using the jQuery browser detection, most notably the anti-pattern of using browser detection rather than feature detection, in addition to the fact that 1.9+ doesn't provide that functionality.

Perhaps, then, the solution I arrived at is a bit hypocritical, but it worked well and seems to adhere to most best practices today.

First, ensure you're using Paul Irish's conditional classes. Then, use something like:

  if($("html").hasClass("ie")) {
  } else {

Otherwise, I found the event would be double-fired in browsers such as Chrome. This solution seemed elegant enough.


The file-selection dialog can be triggered in all browsers by the click() event. An unobtrusive solution to this problem could look like that:

    .attr('for', null)
    .click(function() {

Removing the for attribute is important since other browsers (e.g. Chrome, IE) will still ratify it and show the dialog twice.

I tested it in Chrome 25, Firefox 19 and IE 9 and works like a charm.


It seems to be fixed in FF 23, so browser detection becomes hazardous and leads to double system dialogs ;(

You can add another test to restrict the fix to FF version prior to version 23:

if(parseInt(navigator.buildID,10) < 20130714000000){

It's quite ugly, but this fix will be removed as soon as old the version of FF will have disappeared.


you can dispatch the event from any event to the type=file input if you want make the input display:none and visibility:hidden, and then dispatch the event from, say, the click|touch of an image ...

<img id="customImg" src="file.ext"/>
<input id="fileLoader" type="file" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"/>

    customImg.addEventListener(customImg.ontouchstart?'touchstart':'click', function(e){
        var evt = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');


A work around when you don't need/want to have the input box (like image upload) is to use opacity: 0 in the element and use pointer-events: none; in the label. The solution is really design specific but maybe should work for someone who comes to this. (until now the bug doesn't been fixed)


Reverse the order of the label and input elements. iow, put the label element after the input element.


Try this code

<img id="uploadPreview" style="width: 100px; height: 100px;" 
onclick="document.getElementById('uploadImage').click(event);" />
<input id="uploadImage" type="file" name="myPhoto" onchange="PreviewImage();" />
<script type="text/javascript">
    function PreviewImage() {
        var oFReader = new FileReader();
        oFReader.onload = function (oFREvent) {
            document.getElementById("uploadPreview").src =;