How to create a multi-model form in Yii? I searched the entire documentation of Yii, but got no interesting results. Can some one give me some direction or thoughts about that? Any help will be appreciable.
In my expirience i got this solution to work and quickly understandable
You have two models for data you wish collect. Let's say Person
and Vehicle
Step 1 : Set up controller for entering form
In your controller create model objects:
public function actionCreate() {
$Person = new Person;
$Vehicle = new Vehicle;
//.. see step nr.3
Step 2 : Write your view file
//..define form
echo CHtml::activeTextField($Person,'name');
echo CHtml::activeTextField($Person,'address');
// other fields..
echo CHtml::activeTextField($Vehicle,'type');
echo CHtml::activeTextField($Vehicle,'number');
//..enter other fields and end form
put some labels and design in your view ;)
Step 3 : Write controller on $_POST
and now go back to your controller and write funcionality for POST action
if (isset($_POST['Person']) && isset($_POST['Vehicle'])) {
$Person = $_POST['Person']; //dont forget to sanitize values
$Vehicle = $_POST['Vehicle']; //dont forget to sanitize values
Do $Person->save() and $Vehicle->save() separately
use Transaction module to save both (or save none on error)
else {
Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error','You must enter both data for Person and Vehicle');
// or just skip `else` block and put some form error box in the view file
You can find some examples in these two Yii wiki articles:
Yii 1.1: How to use a single form to collect data for two or more models?
Yii 1.1: How to use single form to collect data for two or more models (CActiveForm and Ajax Validation edition).
You don`t need a multi-model. The right use of the MVC pattern requires a Model that reflects your UI.
To solve it, you'll have to use a CFormModel instead of an ActiveRecord to pass the data from View to Controller. Then inside your Controller you`ll parse the model, the CFormModel one, and use the ActiveRecord classes (more than one) to save in database.
Forms Overview and Form Model chapters in Yii Definitive Guide contains some details and samples.
Another suggestions -
Also we can use Wizard Behavior, It's an extension that simplifies the handling of multi-step forms. In which we can use multi model forms for registration process flow or others.
Demo -