I just discovered the newish ggplotly function that makes ggplot2 graphs into interactive plotly visualizations. This is great. But I also ran into an odd effect, possibly a bug.
If I use the log= argument to change the axis scales, the axis labels disappear. log="x" will cause the x axis label to disappear, log="y" will cause the y axis label to disappear, and log="xy" will cause both to disappear.
The same thing happens if I use scale_x_log10() and scale_y_log10() functions instead of the log argument.
Is there a workaround for this?
Example (y axis label is visible, x axis label disappears):
qplot(wt, mpg, data=mtcars, colour=factor(cyl), log="x")
qplot(wt, mpg, data=mtcars, colour=factor(cyl)) + scale_x_log10()