React Native error: Raw “ ” must be wrapped in an

2020-04-08 13:11发布


Hi, I am having this error in react native and cannot figure out what is causing it. Help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


The issue is whitespace. Using tabs however does not count as whitespace. Try removing the space between the tag and the comment in lines 32 and 37.

<View> {/*green*/}

should be either





I encountered a similar error when checking whether to render a component in the following manner:

{somevariable && <Text>abcd</Text>}

Whenever somevariable was 0, that somevariable would be interpreted as something that was supposed to be rendered and thus 0 is an invalid React Element. To resolve this, I made sure that the first expression always evaluated to a boolean.

{!!somevariable && <Text>abcd</Text>}


You need to remove whitespace between tag. Take a look at each or put show whitespace in webstorm Preferences | Editor | General | Appearance


I also encounter this error, but in my case I accidentally modified / auto formatted some .js files and messed up the JSX. And I cannot easily trace the source of the JSX component I messed up. The way I solved my problem surprisingly is to delete the node_module folder and reinstall all the node packages by npm install at the root folder of your project.


I have already solved the problem, the answer is need to add a space:

 <View style={{width:40, height:40, backgroundColor:"green", margin:5}}>
                    <Text style={{fontSize:18}}>格子{this.state.size1}</Text>




On latest releases, you can try the following, getting stack traces