Im using de DDA (Digital Diferential Analizer) to make a line, and thought I know maybe using de DrawLine the way I am, just run along with it. Im trying to make different types of lines like dashed or dotted, etc. Im thinking in makeing the for from below jump some numbers to make a dotted line. But I cant still find a way todo it. This is what I have so far:
public void paint(Graphics g) {
int dot=0;
int x1 = pointStart.x;
int x2 = pointEnd.x;
int y1 = pointStart.y;
int y2 = pointEnd.y;
float dx, dy, m, y, x;
if (x1>x2){
int ax = x2;
int ay = y2;
x2 = x1;
x1 = ax;
y2 = y1;
y1 = ay;
dx = x2 - x1;
dy = y2 - y1;
m = dy/dx;
if (m>=-1&&m<=1){
dot = (int)dx/4;
y = y1;
for (x = x1 ; x <= x2;x++){
//if (x>=dot&&x<=dot+10||x>=dot*2&&x<=dot*2+10||x>=dot*3&&x<=dot*3+10){
g.drawLine((int)x, (int)Math.round(y), (int)x, (int)Math.round(y));
x = x1;
for (y = y1 ; y <= y2;y++){
g.drawLine((int)Math.round(x), (int)y, (int)Math.round(x), (int)y);
/*if (pointStart != null) {
if (x1>)
//g.drawLine(pointStart.x, pointStart.y, pointEnd.x, pointEnd.y);
g.drawLine(x1, y1, x1, y1);
Any ideas?
- you need draw line function (in your case g.drawline(x0,y0,x1,y1); ).
- dont care about color (you can play with it later)
- you need definition of your pattern (size of lines and spaces in pixels)
- for example int pattern[]={10,-5,0} (10px line, then 5px space, 0 means repeat from beginning) ... -values are spaces + values are lines
- you need 'global' state (actual index in pattern and actual pixel length drawed) also you can have global pattern pointer or encapsulate all in class/struct.
ok so the basic idea is to segmentate any line to selected pattern for example like this:
// pattern draw state
int _pattern_ix=0; // actual index in pattern need to reset it to zero before any pattern change
double _pattern_l=0; // already drawed or skipped pixels from actual pattern[_pattern_ix]
// predefined patterns
int _pattern_dash_dash[]={ 10,-10, 0 };
int _pattern_dash_dot[] ={ 10,- 5, 1,- 5,0 };
int _pattern_dot_dot[] ={ 1,- 5, 0 };
// draw line function
void drawline(int x0,int y0,int x1,int y1)
// this is just borland GDI access to draw line function
void pattern_line(int x0,int y0,int x1,int y1,int *pattern)
int p;
double x,y,xx,yy,dx,dy,dl,t,dt;
dx/=dl; dy/=dl;
for (t=0.0,dt=0.0;dl>=0.5;)
if (p<0) // skip
dt=-p-_pattern_l; // t=space to skip [px]
if (dt>dl) { _pattern_l+=dl; return; } // space is bigger then rest of line
dl-=dt; t+=dt; _pattern_l=0.0; // update line params and continue to next pattern entry
else // draw
dt=+p-_pattern_l; // t=space to draw [px]
x=x0+double(t*dx); // actual point pos
y=y0+double(t*dy); // space is bigger then rest of line
if (dt>dl) { _pattern_l+=dl; drawline(x,y,x1,y1); return; }
dl-=dt; t+=dt; _pattern_l=0.0; // update line params
xx=x0+double(t*dx); // actual point pos
drawline(x,y,xx,yy); // draw line and continue to next pattern entry
if (!pattern[_pattern_ix]) _pattern_ix=0;
void main()
// borland GDI clear screen and color settings
// draw dash-dot-ed rectangle
int x0,x1,y0,y1;
x0=30; x1=200;
y0=30; y1=100;
and do not forget to reset pattern ix,l to zero before any pattern style change.
Code is not optimized so its pretty slow but simple enough to understand i hope.