I need to load some data from an 2D array to an type array structure.
My type structure looks like the following:
Public Type LocationType
LocationID As String
Description As String
ZoneID As String
IsEmpty As Boolean
LastPalletArrivedTime As Date
PalletID As String
Sequence As Long
End Type
I declared the following:
Dim LocationArray() As LocationType
which needs to be filled with data from a 2D array.
The code I use to fill LocationArray is as follows:
For x = 1 To UBound(TextFileLine())
LocationArray(x).Description = SplitTextLines(x, 0)
LocationArray(x).LocationID = SplitTextLines(x, 1)
LocationArray(x).Sequence = SplitTextLines(x, 2)
LocationArray(x).ZoneID = SplitTextLines(x, 3)
LocationArray(x).PalletID = SplitTextLines(x, 4)
LocationArray(x).LastPalletArrivedTime = SplitTextLines(x, 5)
LocationArray(x).IsEmpty = SplitTextLines(x, 6)
Next x
I was wondering if there is any method or code I could use to make the code which I use to fill "LocationArray" easier?
*Note all my variables are declared and code is working. I am just asking for better or easier method to the one I am currently using.
Help will be much appreciated.
After some thinking
create a Class module and name it Location
this is the code to use in the class module
Option Explicit
Public LocationID As String
Public Description As String
Public ZoneID As String
Public IsntEmpty As Boolean
Public LastPalletArrivedTime As Date
Public PalletID As String
Public Sequence As Long
Public Property Let Item(index As Long, value As Variant)
Select Case index
Case 1
LocationID = value
Case 2
Description = value
Case 3
ZoneID = value
Case 4
IsntEmpty = value
Case 5
LastPalletArrivedTime = value
Case 6
PalletID = value
Case 7
Sequence = value
End Select
End Property
Public Property Get Item(index As Long) As Variant
Select Case index
Case 1
Item = LocationID
Case 2
Item = Description
Case 3
Item = ZoneID
Case 4
Item = IsntEmpty
Case 5
Item = LastPalletArrivedTime
Case 6
Item = PalletID
Case 7
Item = Sequence
End Select
End Property
this is a standard Module1 for testing (note the commented section)
Option Explicit
Sub Main()
Dim myLoc As Location
Set myLoc = New Location
Dim i As Long
' SAMPLE filling
For i = 1 To 7
' covering BOOLEAN
If i = 4 Then
myLoc.Item(i) = False
' covering DATE
ElseIf i = 5 Then
myLoc.Item(i) = Now
' covering LONG
ElseIf i = 7 Then
myLoc.Item(i) = i
' convering STRING
myLoc.Item(i) = CStr("property " & i)
End If
Next i
For i = 1 To 7
Debug.Print "property:" & i, myLoc.Item(i)
Next i
' pay attention
' this is what you could do
' this section is commented as Im unable to test it
' but this should work for you
' create a collection
' Dim c As Collection
' Set c = New Collection
' Dim x As Long
' For x = 1 To UBound(TextFileLine())
' Dim loc As Location
' Set loc = New Location
' For i = 1 To 7
' loc.Item(i) = SplitTextLines(x, i - 1)
' Next i
' c.Add loc
' Next x
' ' now if you wanted to retrieve the data
' ' you iterate over the collection
' For i = 1 To c.Count
' For j = 1 To 7
' Debug.Print c.Item(i).Item(j)
' Next j
' Next c
End Sub