Loop 5 records at a time and assign it to variable

2020-04-08 11:10发布


I have a table of 811 records. I want to get five records at a time and assign it to variable. Next time when I run the foreach loop task in SSIS, it will loop another five records and overwrite the variable. I have tried doing with cursor but couldn't find the solution. Any help will be highly appreciated. I have table like this for e.g.

ServerId ServerName
1         Abc11
2         Cde22
3         Fgh33
4         Ijk44
5         Lmn55
6         Opq66
7         Rst77
.           .
.           .
.           .

I want query should take first five names as follows and assign it to variable

ServerId ServerName
1         Abc11
2         Cde22
3         Fgh33
4         Ijk44
5         Lmn55

Then next loop takes another five name and overwrite the variable value and so on till the last record is consumed.


Taking ltn's answer into consideration this is how you can achieve limiting the rows in SSIS.

The Design will look like

Step 1 : Create the variables

  Name       DataType 
  Count        int
  Initial      int
  Final        int

Step 2 : For the 1st Execute SQL Task write the sql to store the count

  Select count(*) from YourTable

In the General tab of this task Select the ResultSet as Single Row.

In the ResultSet tab map the result to the variable

  ResultName       VariableName
    0               User::Count

Step 3 : In the For Loop container enter the expression as shown below

Step 4 : Inside the For Loop drag an Execute SQL Task and write the expression

In Parameter Mapping map the initial variable

  VariableName    Direction   DataType   ParameterName   ParameterSize
   User::Initial   Input       NUMERIC     0                -1

Result Set tab

  Result Name     Variable Name
   0                 User::Final

Inside the DFT u can write the sqL to get the particular rows

Click on Parameters and select the variable INITIAL and FINAL


if your data will not be update between paging cycles and the sort order is always the same then you could try an approach similiar to:

    @StartNumber INT,
    @TakeNumber INT
SELECT TOP(@TakeNumber) 
        RowNumber=ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY IDField DESC),
)AS X   
WHERE RowNumber>=@StartNumber