Take a look at below CSS styles and i'm planning to use LESS & SASS for two different projects and is this possible in preprocessors
.longDots {
content: " ......................................................................................................";
.shortDots {
content: "....................";
What exactly, I want to do to avoid repeated dots to have it as single dot and that too configurable to change it as -, #, *
Something mixin
like below.
.longDots {
content: repeater('.', 25);
.shortDots {
content: repeater('.', 10);
.longDashes {
content: repeater('-', 25);
.shortDashes {
content: repeater('-', 10);
I do a mixin in SASS, in LESS I think you can do something similar. Some characthers like points or dashes must be between quotation marks.
@mixin repeat($character, $n){
@for $i from 1 through $n {
$c: $c + $character;
content: $c;
@include repeat("-", 4)
@include repeat(".", 6)
@include repeat(x, 2)
.dash {
content: "----";
.dot {
content: "......";
.letter {
content: "xx";
Or you can do also a function:
@function repeat($character, $n){
@for $i from 1 through $n {
$c: $c + $character;
@return $c;
content: repeat("-", 4)
content: repeat(".", 6)
.dash {
content: "----";
.dot {
content: "......";
In LESS there isn't for
sentences and I can't found a clean way to do but this code works (the output is quite dirty):
.repeat(@char, @i) when (@i> 0) {
.repeat(@char, (@i - 1));
.dash {
.repeat("-" ,3);
.dot {
.repeat("." ,5);
.dash {
content: "-" "-" "-";
.dot {
content: "." "." "." "." ".";
You could do something like:
@mixin repeater($item, $count) {
$string: "";
@for $i from 1 through $count {
$string: $string + $item;
content: $string;
.longDots {
@include repeater('.', 25);
.shortDots {
@include repeater('.', 10);
.longDashes {
@include repeater('-', 25);
.shortDashes {
@include repeater('-', 10);
The mixin could also be written like:
@mixin repeater($item, $count) {
$string: "";
@for $i from 1 through $count {
$string: str-insert($string, $item, $i - 1);
content: $string;
@mixin repeater($item, $count) {
$string: "";
@while $count > 0 {
$string: $string + $item;
$count: $count - 1;
content: $string;
@mixin repeater($item, $count) {
$string: "";
@while $count > 0 {
$string: str-insert($string, $item, $count);
$count: $count - 1;
content: $string;
Whatever appeals more to you.
You can always test your small parts of SASS online at e.g. http://sass.js.org/ or http://www.sassmeister.com/, if you don't have lokal tools for that.
For LESS you need a little bit more complex mixins:
.contentresult(@string, @count) when (@count = 1) {
content: @string
.repeater(@item, @count, @string: "") when (@count > 0) {
.repeater(@item, (@count - 1), "@{string}@{item}");
.contentresult("@{string}@{item}", @count);
.longDots {
.repeater('.', 25);
.shortDots {
.repeater('.', 10);
.longDashes {
.repeater('-', 25);
.shortDashes {
.repeater('-', 10);
The first mixin is an if-statement, the second one is the actual loop. It's important to use these two separate mixins, because only the repeater mixin would produce a lot of content
properties for each iteration with the shortest at the bottom unfortunately.
Tested with http://less2css.org/. (It compiles successfully with LESS version 1.3.3 and later.)
Since OP updated his question:
@function repeater($item, $count) {
$string: "";
@for $i from 1 through $count {
$string: $string + $item;
@return "#{$string}";
.longDots {
content: repeater('.', 25);
With "#{$string}"
I'm just showing you another way of accessing the content of a variable. You could also just use $string
. Every mixin I showed you earlier is working once you turn it into a function the way I did here.
.contentresult(@string, @count) when (@count = 1) {
@return: @string
.repeater(@item, @count, @string: "") when (@count > 0) {
.repeater(@item, (@count - 1), "@{string}@{item}");
.contentresult("@{string}@{item}", @count);
.longDots {
.repeater('.', 25);
content: @return;
Based on Seika85's answer, I've created a more generalized function for repeating an input arg with your choice of delimiter:
.repeater(@item, @count, @delimiter: " ", @iterated-item: "") when (@count = 1) {
@return: ~'@{iterated-item}@{item}';
.repeater(@item, @count, @delimiter: " ", @iterated-item: "") when (@count > 1) {
.repeater(@item, (@count - 1), @delimiter, ~'@{iterated-item}@{item}@{delimiter}');
div {
background-image: .repeater(url(foo.svg), 5, ", ")[];
Compiles to:
div {
background-image: url(foo.svg), url(foo.svg), url(foo.svg), url(foo.svg), url(foo.svg);