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Closed 3 years ago.
Does anyone know of any tool to convert Java 8 code (at the source level) that uses lambdas and method references into Java 7 code that uses anonymous inner classes? I know about Retrolambda, but that works at the bytecode level, not the source level.
For now, I have a version working that works as an IntelliJ plugin. I extended the current IntelliJ code to convert all lambdas in a package at one go, instead of selecting each lambda individually and converting to anonymous inner class. The problem with this approach though is that it cannot work as a standalone tool, say a maven plugin as it needs an IntelliJ context to work.
Edit: Note that the focus is on converting lamda/method references to anonymous inner classes. I am not concerned about API changes in Java 8 which would be caught by a Java 7 compiler and reported as compilation errors.