react-moment where to set moment.locale

2020-04-07 03:41发布


After reading react-datepicker doc's I have tried changing my date picker language as the doc's instructions:

Globally by calling moment.locale(lang) Picker-specific by providing the locale prop

My question is where to write this setting in a react app.

1- app.js (constructor).

2- date-picker component(constructor).

3-somewhere else...

And how to set it as prop, I have tried :

<DatePicker locale='gr'
        disabled = {this.props.disabled}

and it is still showing up as English.

BTW - anyone know what is the language string to Hebrew? thanks.


Using this question I was able to figure this so, import langue like:

import 'moment/locale/he';

And for each new moment just set -


It is not really global(one signal setting) for all uses.


If you need moment.locale(lang) globally then try react context api (for React v16.3 or greater). For Hebrew locale code is he, I think.