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Closed 4 years ago.
I'm pretty familiarity with c++. I'v made a few games like tetris and solitaire with it. But what I would really like is some nice textured graphics for those games :-p GDI just isn't doing it for me anymore.
Really, all I would need to know is:
- DX scene initialization
- making something simple like a round rectangle and basic shapes
- ability to move those shapes in X and Y
- add basic bitmap texture
- dispose of the objects
anything that would cover these concepts would be really useful
This is a good tutorial. I've started with it and it was helpful. That is not a book, but good enough tutorial with step-by-step explanations.
I've got a copy of Beginning DirectX 10 Game Programming. I haven't done much with it (lack of time, mostly), but it is well-written and covers the basic concepts step-by-step and has the complete code you need to accomplish the tasks in the chapters.
I created a small 2D game (Othello for a school project) using PNGs loaded at run-time, and I could not have done it without the book (I am a complete beginner in Windows and DirectX programming :D).
I would really suggest you to take a look at the DirectX SDK. There are tutorials on how to do all the basic stuff, like initializing a scene, simple primitives, transforming them and texturing them. Once you feel comfortable with that there's a LOT more to dig into, e.g. like how vertex, pixel and geometry shaders work.
Introduction to 3D Game Programming with Direct X 9.0c: A Shader Approach by Frank Luna is probably the best "intro" game programming book out there. Enough material to get something interesting on screen and start playing around. I can't recommend it enough.