I have seen this question ask around a lots, however, none was properly answered so I decided to ask again. So if I have this: if I am in A.xhtml
and I
<ui:include src="B.xhtml">
<ui:param name="formId" value="awesome Id"/>
so in B.xhtml
, I can do this
<h:outputText value="#{formId}"/>
when I run A.xhtml
, I would see awesome Id
get printed on the screen. However how do I access the value of formId
in the backing bean. I look inside FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getAttributes()
and FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap()
and I just cannot seems to locate it. To go a bit further, so I try:
Inside B.xhtml
, I now have
<h:inputHidden id="hiddenFormId" value="#{formId}"/>
<h:outputText value="#{formId}"/>
the idea is that I can access the value of formId
in the RequestParameterMap
under key hiddenFormId
. But now if I have:
<h:form id="myForm">
<ui:include src="B.xhtml">
<ui:param name="formId" value="awesome Id"/>
<a4j:commandButton render="myForm" value="My Button"/>
then I would get this erro if I look inside the POST request (when inside chrome or ff debug mode)
<partial-response><error><error-name>class javax.faces.component.UpdateModelException</error-name><error-message><![CDATA[/B.xhtml @9,61 value="${formId}": /index.xhtml @27,61 value="awesome Id": Illegal Syntax for Set Operation]]></error-message></error></partial-response>
so How to access ui:param value in the managed bean?