My goal is to create latextable with multirow/multicolumn features from R.
The latextable I want should look like this:
colLabel | colLabel2
a1 a2 | a3 a4
b1 1 2 | 5 6
rowLabel1 |
b2 3 4 | 7 8
b3 9 10 | 13 14
rowLabel2 |
b4 11 12 | 15 16
I am currently using xtable but I cannot figure out how to create multirow using this package.
Could anyone tell me how to create such table?
Thank you in advance
You will have to be more specific about what exactly you are trying to tabulate, but I guess tabular
function from the tables
package might be helpful.
Here's an example of tabulating means of a variable according to 4 binary factor variables:
mydf <- data.frame(rowFactor1 = sample(letters[1:2], 100, replace = TRUE),
colFactor1 = sample(LETTERS[1:2], 100, replace = TRUE),
x = rnorm(100),
rowFactor2 = sample(1:2, 100, replace = TRUE),
colFactor2 = sample(1:2, 100, replace = TRUE))
tab1 <- tabular(Heading()*RowFactor(rowFactor2, spacing = 1,
levelnames = c("rowLabel1", "rowLabel2"))*
levelnames = c("b1", "b2")) ~
levelnames = c("colLabel1", "colLabel2") )*
levelnames = c("a1", "a2"))*
data = mydf)
which gives you something like this, but nicely formated when using the latex output
colLabel1 colLabel2
a1 a2 a1 a2
\\nopagebreak rowLabel1 \\nopagebreak b1 -0.1450 0.2633 0.91454 0.1222
\\nopagebreak b2 -0.1499 -0.4290 -0.09706 -0.6977
\\rule{0pt}{1.7\\normalbaselineskip}rowLabel2 \\nopagebreak b1 0.6976 -0.4888 -0.68492 1.6764
\\nopagebreak b2 -0.2369 -0.1428 -0.66405 0.9469
Finally latex(tab1)
gives you the latex code:
& & \multicolumn{2}{c}{colLabel1} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{colLabel2} \\
& & a1 & a2 & a1 & \multicolumn{1}{c}{a2} \\
\nopagebreak rowLabel1 & \nopagebreak b1 & $-0.1450$ & $\phantom{-}0.2633$ & $\phantom{-}0.91454$ & $\phantom{-}0.1222$ \\
& \nopagebreak b2 & $-0.1499$ & $-0.4290$ & $-0.09706$ & $-0.6977$ \\
\rule{0pt}{1.7\normalbaselineskip}rowLabel2 & \nopagebreak b1 & $\phantom{-}0.6976$ & $-0.4888$ & $-0.68492$ & $\phantom{-}1.6764$ \\
& \nopagebreak b2 & $-0.2369$ & $-0.1428$ & $-0.66405$ & $\phantom{-}0.9469$ \\
I just would like to point at a combination of Christoph's block entry (here) and Gabor's answer in the R mail list (here) working with the xtable
package. Furthermore, this solution is capable of merging cells in the \multirow
Here comes a MWE:
# set up data frame
df <- data.frame(c(replicate(2, c("L1")), replicate(2, c("L2"))),
replicate(4, "b"),
replicate(4, runif(4, 1, 10)) )
# only needed if first column consists of numbers
df[[1]] <- as.character(df[[1]])
rle.lengths <- rle(df[[1]])$lengths
first <- !duplicated(df[[1]])
df[[1]][!first] <- ""
# define appearance of \multirow
df[[1]][first] <-
paste0("\\midrule\\multirow{", rle.lengths, "}{*}{\\textbf{", df[[1]][first], "}}")
strCaption <- paste0("\\textbf{Table Whatever} This table is just produced with some ",
"random data and does not mean anything. Just to show you how ",
"things work.")
# set up xtable output
print(xtable(df, digits = c(0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, 6), # first zero "represents" row numbers which we skip later
align = "lllrr|rr", # align and put a vertical line (first "l" again represents column of row numbers)
caption = strCaption, label = "testTable"),
size = "footnotesize", #Change size; useful for bigger tables "normalsize" "footnotesize"
include.rownames = FALSE, #Don't print rownames
include.colnames = FALSE, #We create them ourselves
caption.placement = "top", #"top", NULL
hline.after=NULL, #We don't need hline; we use booktabs
floating=TRUE, # whether \begin{Table} should be created (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
sanitize.text.function = force, # Important to treat content of first column as latex function
add.to.row = list(pos = list(-1,
command = c(paste("\\toprule \n", # NEW row
"\\multicolumn{2}{c}{} & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{\\textbf{colLabel1}} & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{colLabel2} \\\\\n",
"\\cmidrule(l){3-4} \\cmidrule(l){5-6}\n",
" & & a1 & a2 & a3 & a4 \\\\\n", # NEW row
"\\midrule \n"
paste("\\cmidrule(l){3-4} \\cmidrule(l){5-6}\n" # we may also use 'pos' and 'command' to add a midrule
paste("\\bottomrule \n" # paste is used as it is more flexible regarding adding lines
Which knits the following table in LaTeX:
Consider the kableExtra
<<setup, include=FALSE>>=
options(knitr.table.format = "latex")
dat <- data.frame(
group = c("rowLabel1", "rowLabel1", "rowLabel2", "rowLabel2"),
a1 = c(1, 3, 9, 11),
a2 = c(2, 4, 10, 12),
a3 = c(5, 7, 13, 15),
a4 = c(6, 8, 14, 16)
kable(dat, booktabs = TRUE, caption = "My table", escape = FALSE) %>%
add_header_above(c(" ", "colLabel1"=2, "colLabel2"=2)) %>%
kable_styling(latex_options = "hold_position") %>%
column_spec(1, bold=TRUE) %>%
collapse_rows(columns = 1)
I can't help with the column headers, but for multi row values in the past I've cheated. The function below will set the second and subsequent sets of the same value to NA, and xtable then doesn't display them so you get something that looks vaguely like a multi row value (with top justification)
cleanf <- function(x){
oldx <- c(FALSE, x[-1]==x[-length(x)])
# is the value equal to the previous?
res <- x
res[oldx] <- NA
Here is a way to do this with the huxtable
package (I am the author):
mydf <- data.frame(rowFactor1 = sample(letters[1:2], 100, replace = TRUE),
colFactor1 = sample(LETTERS[1:2], 100, replace = TRUE),
x = rnorm(100),
rowFactor2 = sample(1:2, 100, replace = TRUE),
colFactor2 = sample(1:2, 100, replace = TRUE))
tbl <- ftable(colFactor1 + colFactor2 ~ rowFactor1 + rowFactor2, data = mydf)
ht <- as_hux(tbl)
rowspan(ht)[c(4, 6), "V1"] <- 2 # these cells span 2 rows
colspan(ht)[1, c(4, 6)] <- 2 # these cells span 2 columns
ht[3, 1:2] <- '' # clean up some extraneous colum names
ht[1:2, 3] <- ''
right_border(ht)[,3] <- 1
bottom_border(ht)[c(2, 5, 7), ] <- 1
bottom_border(ht)[c(4,6), 1] <- 1
When printed to LaTeX this looks like: